Home Remedies

Massage the points that on top of each toe for 30-60 seconds to promote the production of serotonin (Happy Hormone) by brain neurons. Repeat this exercise at least thrice in one sitting.

Massage the points in a circular motion for 30-60 seconds to subside the symptoms of nausea, Repeat this exercise at least thrice in one sitting.

Massage the points that on the hand for 30-60 seconds to promote relaxation and induce sleep. Repeat this exercise at least thrice in one sitting.

Massage the points on the wrists for 30-60 seconds to relax the uterus and reduce pain during menstruation. Repeat this exercise at least thrice in one sitting.

 Massage the points for 30-60 seconds to relax the flow of blood in people with hypertension. Repeat this exercise at least thrice in one sitting.

Massage the point for 30-60 seconds to provide relief from stiffness and pain in joints due to rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Repeat this exercise at least thrice in one sitting.

Massage the tops of each finger for 30-60 seconds to stimulate the head/brain reflexes to induce relaxation and proper blood circulation. Repeat this exercise at least thrice in one sitting.

Massage the points on the big toes for 30-60 seconds to relieve sinuses and promote nasal breathing. Repeat this exercise at least thrice in one sitting.

Massage the point for 30-60 seconds to promote breathing. Repeat this exercise at least thrice in one sitting.

Massage the point on the top of the wrist for 30-60 seconds to promote the production of sex cells and hormones to improve fertility. Repeat this exercise at least thrice in one sitting.
Home Remedies Home Remedies Reviewed by VR-Entertainment on 7:11 AM Rating: 5

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